Christian Converser

Author: admin

  • Conspiracy Theories and Christian Nationalism Contrarian To Church Growth [1]

    A conspiracy theory is simply a theory about some type of event or occurrence that invokes a conspiracy by “sinister and powerful groups” , even when other explanations are more probable (source: Wikipedia). There are a lot of conspiracy theories sourced within and propagated by the Christian community, especially its more conservative elements. The real…

  • The Book of Ecclesiasticus (Unrelated To Ecclesiastes)

    The Book of Ecclesiasticus is one of seven deuterocanonical works that are accepted as canonical Scriptures only by the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Churches and Assyrian Church of the East. They considered non-canonical by most Protestant churches, and are therefore found within only some editions of the Bible. Although the name…

  • Blog Shift

    This blog is taking a breather for a while. Theological posts will appear on Christian Converser instead.

  • Dreams, Visions and “Signs And Wonders” Theology

    Signs and Wonders refers to a particular branch of theology that has become noticeably prominent since about the 1960s in certain churches of a Pentecostal disposition or alignment. The main charge that traditional theologians often level against Pentecostals are that particular doctrines or beliefs and practices in Pentecostal (or Pentecostal-aligned, e.g. charismatic) churches are more…

  • US Christian Nationalism Politics Splits America, Church [3]

    Everyone’s seen the disturbing unfolding of seditious political insurrection at the US Capitol in Washington DC on January 6. There’s no real need to go over that here, the main concern for this blog is the fatal attraction that the outgoing administration has held for evangelical Christianity in America and the apparent reluctance of its…

  • US Christian Nationalism Politics Splits America, Church [2]

    This is a really quick update to the first blog post about this subject. Delving into the subject in Google has turned up quite a bit more stuff, and whilst this post will be shorter than the last one, the additional information is really pertinent to this topic. Firstly, Ed Stetzer of Wheaton College has…

  • US Christian Nationalism Politics Splits America, Church [1]

    The Southern Baptist Convention is facing substantial backlash after six white seminary presidents met and issued a resolution denouncing Critical Race Theory, a “theoretical social sciences framework that examines society and culture as they relate to categorisations of race, law and power” (Wikipedia definition). CRT is something of a red flag to political conservatives, and…

  • “Trump Is Anointed By God” – White Evangelicals Claim – As They Call For Election Reversal

    Back in a previous post on this blog the idea was floated that evangelical leaders had decided Trump was anointed / appointed by God to his role as US president, this was predicated on the strong language being used by these leaders to describe what would happen if Trump was impeached or lost the election,…

  • US Voter Suppression Tied To Race. Questions For Churches’ Political Alignments?

    This blog has no desire to become a commentary on American politics in general and it is firmly intended to steer future posts away from this topic and concentrate mainly on theology; it is unavoidable, however, that the present political situation in the US is inextricably entangled within the evangelical church community there. Hopefully the…