Christian Converser

Author: admin

  • “The American Conservative” Pans Trumpist Evangelical Electoral Campaign

    Rod Dreher, the senior editor of “The American Conservative”, is hardly a R.I.N.O. (a pejorative slung at Republicans disdaining the Trump campaign’s shrill shrieking, meaning Republican In Name Only), nor would it be accurate to describe him as a C.I.N.O. (Christian In Name Only). He has, however, expressed a great of concern at the themes…

  • American Evangelical Angst Over Trump Loss Disproportionate In Western Churches

    Unless one lives under a rock, it would be hard to be unaware of the considerable disquiet and unrest within the evangelical community in the US over the Trump election loss, the extent of which appears to be almost unprecedented. Almost immediately at the time that mainstream media outlets were calling the election for Biden,…

  • Heresy Is Key Feature Of Credulous US White Evangelicalism [3]

    After writing the first two posts it has become clear a summary or conclusion would be helpful, so here it is. SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS: Prior to the 2016 presidential election campaign. various prophecies are produced that the Republican candidate (POTUS 45) will win the election. POTUS 45 wins the election campaign and is inaugurated as…

  • Heresy Is Key Feature Of Credulous US White Evangelicalism [2]

    In part 1 of this two part series, dominionism and some related theologies were examined. Part 2 continues this discussion more in relation to the 2020 presidential elections in the US. A key aspect of dominionism closely tied to dispensationalism is the belief that Christians must help to usher in the “end times” and the…

  • Heresy Is Key Feature Of Credulous US White Evangelicalism [1]

    If you have tracked the four years since the 2016 US presidential election and the re-election campaign this year, you’ll be well aware of the controversy that has surrounded the 45th president and the division created in Evangelical communities worldwide over whether to support him or not. Polling has showed majority support for the 45th…

  • Can The Church Or The Government Build A Better Society?

    This could be a political question, a theological question, or both. Because it is not just a straightforward political issue, but has ramifications for theology, it qualifies to appear on this blog. The issue at stake is for differing views for Christians about how much of the personal impacts of their faith can be expressed…

  • Dispensationalism In Depth [4]: Denying The Sacrifical Atonement Of Jesus Christ

    Parts beyond the first three weren’t originally planned, but have been added because we realised there is a whole lot more to the dispensational theology than purported predictions of future events, the part that people most often remark about. We are indebted to Alistair Donaldson for his in depth analysis of the topic, which you…

  • Dispensationalism In Depth [3]: Broken Promises, Straw Men, Outlandish Claims & Unholy Alliances

    Anyone who has followed dispensationalism for any length of time soon becomes aware of the many claims made by its proponents that present day and future events are foretold in the Book of Revelation. The key ones, of course, are the rapture, seven year tribulation and millenial reign. However, ardent dispensationalists have brought significant discredit…

  • Dispensationalism In Depth [2]: A Peculiarly American Theology

    Our reckoning of dispensationalism as a predominantly American school of theological thought is mostly supported by anecdotal knowledge rather than research. Nevertheless, Stephen Sizer (writing in Donaldson, 2011) draws particular attention to the predominance of dispensationalist belief and practice upon the US church. As he notes, “[many] evangelical, charismatic and Pentecostal leaders, seminary professors and…